Neve Michael Children's Village

Neve Michael, located in Pardes Hanna, Israel, serves 250 children ages 4-18 years old from all over Israel who were brought to our doorstep at a tender age and under traumatic circumstances. Many have suffered mental/physical/sexual abuse. In many cases, these unfortunate children’s natural parents are afflicted with mental illness or drug and alcohol addictions.
Neve Michael Children’s Village is the only multidisciplinary children’s home in Israel. Besides providing refuge and a loving home for over 250 children and youth at risk, the Home has: 1) a 24-hour Emergency Crisis Center, 2) a Teenage Girls’ Crisis Center, 3) an Elementary School, 4) a Day Care Center, 4) a Therapy Enrichment Center, and an External Crisis Center and Therapy Counseling Unit which helps keep families at risk intact.

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Hava Levene &
Rachel Bargad